PGL Events
Project Gettysburg Leon takes a hiatus on meetings during the Summer, but usually holds potluck dinners on the first or second Sunday of each month. Please check in for the time & place for the…
Project Gettysburg Leon takes a hiatus on meetings during the Summer, but usually holds potluck dinners on the first or second Sunday of each month. Please check in for the time & place for the…
Project Gettysburg Leon is gearing up and spiffing up the dance shoes for the annual cultural event where downtown in front of the Majestic Theater is turned into a dancefloor. The city closes the block…
The PGL Live Auction returns to Gettysburg College on Saturday, January 20th, 4-8pm. Purchase Tickets Here: Become a Sponsor Here: Sign up to Donate Items Here:
Monthly Potluck September 8 at 6 p.m. Gettysburg Borough Council Chambers Join Mayor Rita Frealing and PGL for good food and short presentations about our work in Nicaragua and our plans for the sister city…